Finding some of these ornaments wasn't easy, but it was a nice distraction from the upcoming holidays, which I knew I would not find pleasant, and it would be something that would bring Richard some happiness.
The thought to use Cornelius from Planet of the Apes as a most unlikely angel topper was sort-of last minute, but he actually works very well as the icing on the top of the cake, so to speak.
Now this is maybe only half of the ornaments that currently decorate the tree and the joy is knowing that we can add more to the tree in the years to come.
This won't be our tree every year; or maybe we will set it up as a small, secondary tree some years.
It certainly makes for something unique, and a conversational piece for those who have seen it.
There are a few pieces on here that may be just a wee more me than Richard, like the Fantasia ornament of Hyacinth Hippo and Ben Al E Gator (below), though my Raggedy Ann and Andy ornament somehow failed to be used... I am not sure how I forgot it, but that's okay, because I can use it next year.
So what ornaments would you include on your own "geek tree"?
Would it be the Ecto1 from "Ghostbusters"? The one I didn't get around to buying, but that I will certainly be adding for future trees?
Or would it be something newer, like Iron Man or Thor? I would have loved adding a Loki ornament if I could have found one.
Would you stick, as I did, with purchased ornaments, or would you try sculpting some of your own?
Would you go with a complete theme, like novels only, or use a eclectic hodpodge of favorites from throughout your life?