Sunday, August 15, 2010

Changes and Apologies

Not only is there is a new look to my blog, comment moderation is now in effect....I finally figured out how to update the site so the spam will stop!

Okay, as for apologies....I am sure you have all received some nasty spam from my hotmail account. Sorry! I am not sure where the spam was picked up, but I feel good about my gmail account not being spammed as I don't use it for anything other than emails. Please delete my hotmail addresses (springvilleshawna and shoezimm) from your accounts....I have already removed everyone's addresses from my hotmail accounts so that, should anyone get into the account again, there are no addresses left for them to spam to. Any emails received from my hotmail accounts are NOT FROM ME AND SHOULD NOT BE OPENED! Any and all emails sent out from me will come from my gmail account. If you do not know my gmail address, post a comment saying so and I will email you from it.

1 comment:

Corine Moore said...

HI. :D I love your new look! I'm considering redoing mine, but not sure. I like the theme, but don't like that I can't do anything with it (colors, heading). Yours looks great!

...glad the gmail address is the one I have and that things got figured out. Take care. :)
