Thursday, December 27, 2007

Talk about a major "whoops!"

Okay everyone, get out your address books, look under Shawna and see what address you have....if I gave you a directional of east please change that to west (the numbers are all correct). Luckily the patient occupant on the eastern side of town has been nice enough to put my stuff back in the mail with a note of "try the west side" on the front (I need to run that gal some cookies!) Mom, your present arrived yesterday and I loved it! More later!!!!


♥Miya said...

That's awesome of your postal service. Ours here are a bunch of whiny jerks for the most part. Did you get my Christmas card then?

shoezimm said...

Yeah...did I give you the wrong address too (I didn't check the envelope). If you have it wrong then Arlene sent my present to the wrong address too....

♥Miya said...

Yeah she asked me for your address awhile back and I gave her the wrong one you gave me. :P