Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Still here.....

barely. And still not fond of the "friendly skies". It was nothing SouthWest did wrong...in fact they were very friendly and managed to delay my flight home by 15 minutes (unintentionally) so I could catch it by the skin of my teeth.

I'd had no real scares on the flight to Spokane (an hour delay and mostly cloudy skies that we sailed over so there really was no view to deal with). My "seat buddies" both ways were very friendly and nice. I was just starting to think, "hey, I just might be getting the hang of this flying thing" when it hit. Turbulence. That lovely, rollercoaster of up and down and side to side. I was in the tail section (last row to be exact) and was fine for takeoff and most of the flight was nice....and then we came to Salt Lake and began descending along the mountain wall...

Lurch upwards. Shimmy sideways. Sudden drop. Thank goodness it'd been hours since I had eaten anything other than a couple of airline peanuts because if I'd had a full stomach I would have been miserable (as it is my motion sickness pill was working full time there!) It was like Space Mountain at Disneyland where you didn't know which way you were going to go next but, unlike the Disney ride, there was a mile long drop between me and the ground. Every movement downward was a few feet closer to me being safe on terra firma. The guy sitting next to me (Darrel? Darren?)kept saying funny things like "Whoo-Hoo! Ride 'em Cowboy" and "Let 'er Buck" with every lurch which was a funny distraction and prevented me from crushing the seat in front of me in a death grip. I was never so happy to feel wheels hit the tarmac.

And just think.....I get to do it all over again when I go to Alaska next summer.....

I'd better stock up on motion sickness pills.


Teachinfourth said...

That's why they have these sweet little numbers: http://www.thepeoplebrand.com/images/barfbag_1.jpg

shoezimm said...

You're not helping Jase.....

Unknown said...

Brothers do like to tease! I had to fly from L.A. to England twice. I didn't take anything...wish I had because all I worried about was people walking down the aisle and hitting me with there purses and wanting to go to sleep! Sleeping is good if you can. That way you eat up all the time in between.

Lucie said...

Watch out for all those nasty vampires in Alaska!