Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Today we bring a special treat...

... a chance for some cool weather in the summer heat wave!

Of course, for all of those salivating at having a hot and fun 4th of July, you're in luck... our weather will be in the high 90s and sun sun sun... but, for tonight at least... thunder, lightning, rain and in the low 70s!

Okay, I admit I am not so keen about the thunder part (I am, for some reason, frightened of the noise) but the lightning can be so much fun to watch.

I hope that last admission doesn't discredit me as an adult figure... don't tell anyone I shared that little fear with you, okay?

1 comment:

Leah Z said...

Glad you're getting a break. It's getting down to the low 60's tonight so I've got all the windows open so we can save the cool for tomorrow.

As for thunder: Any sound you can feel is unnerving!