Friday, May 2, 2008

Holy crap.....what were they thinking????

I had a scare recently and not a very nice one at that...what I mean is it was a real scare not one of those kinds where you giggle, slap someone and say "ooh, you scared me!" Welcome to the wonderful world of deviousness in the food industry....

I have a vice. C'mon now, we all have one....mine happens to be carrot cake. This coming from a girl who doesn't even like cake usually. Target's in-house food brand is Archer Farms and they make this absolutely fantabulous carrot cake that just happens to be sold by the slice in the bakery section. Now I have been known to eat a slice on occasion....usually its a splurge I take once every couple of weeks. No biggie, right? After all its made with freaking carrots so its got to be better than some of the other goodies I could be choosing from in the department (and I would love to know the story of how carrot cake came to be....what gal decided "hey I have a ton of carrots, lets grate some up in the batter and see what we get!") But I digress.

I was at the store about a month ago tucking a slice into my cart when my roommate walked up, picked up the package and calmly announced, "Do you want to know how many calories that thing contains?" I said no and kept walking. I was told anyway. I thought she was kidding but admit I didn't want the truth so I didn't bother checking the facts for myself, bought the thing and took it home. Didn't enjoy it quite as much.

Flash forward....two weeks I wasn't able to keep food down for a few days (never mind why). Once the affliction had passed I decided to splurge since I had missed a couple of days worth of calories anyway and trotted off to Target, bought my slice and came home. Sat down, fork in hand, and glanced at the food index. Holy crap..... one thin slice of carrot cake had 970 calories in it with 600 of them being fat calories. Whoa. Okay, I admit this thing had a lot of cream cheese frosting on it but 600 fat calories???? Its little label smugly announced that this met 100% of my fat for the day but I am sure that was a misprint....its probably really like 100% of my intake for the week. Now I am not into food labels and understanding that whole percentage thing but I do recall something like you don't want to eat anything that has more than 10% of its calories from fat.

Which leaves us with today; with my craving a slice of the cake that I can't have. Darn Target.


Unknown said...

Like I told Danny today one weekend a month you can treat yourself! Otherwise you deprive yourself of some satisfaction.

shoezimm said...

yeah but I think I need to pick something else to treat myself with...this one will never quite be the same now that I know just how evil it is.....

♥Miya said...

Dammit. Now I want to go make carrot cake soup! One of my friend told me that if you mash up a nice piece of carrot cake and pour ice cold milk over it it's supposed to be like popping ecstasy.

shoezimm said...

I don't know about the ecstasy thing but it tastes like heaven!