Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oh the temptation....

Does anyone else have moments of pure temptation that, as adults, perhaps are no longer seemly? Case in point....I was walking out to my car tonight on my way to school when I noticed that my roommate had set up the sprinkler and was watering the lawn. I stood there for a moment desperately wanting to put my messenger bag down and start running through the cool fountains of water before walking back to the house and bawling Annie out for putting such a temptation in the yard in the first place. She didn't even bother looking at me and asked "why don't you run through it then?" pause. Hmmmmm....because I had to leave for class and a wet shirt was DEFINATELY not on the agenda. Honestly, if she sets that sucker up tomorrow you can bet on where I'll be...that's right.....under the sprinkler.

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

She's right...just do it. You only live once, no regrets.