Monday, December 8, 2008

What a Weekend....

First of all an appology to everyone checking my Etsy site this weekend...there are now 3 bracelets in my shop for anyone who wants to see. I do have one more button bracelet not listed just yet (and its my favorite of the bunch), but it will be on later today....I somehow forgot to grab that one to get pictures of. I plan to have at least 2 with charms and beads instead of buttons posted by the close of next weekend. I haven't had a chance to work the cards yet...I had the pictures reprinted in a larger size on Saturday but haven't gotten to them....more on that in a minute (they probably won't be online until after the 20th because I'd have to dig the cards out of whatever box they were moved into). I am also thinking of crocheted necklace/chokers but that probably won't be online until closer to Christmas what with the packing and the moving.

Okay, this weekend...."where the heck were you" you ask? Well, Saturday morning I spent some time pulling pictures together for a present I am working on, before running out and getting my Christmas shopping done. I am happy to say I got it all done in one day! Of course, some assembly required on 2 things, but otherwise all I have to do is wrap and ship...

Shopping took hours longer than I had thought....I didn't get home until around 7 pm (counting the fact that Annie and I ran out to Panda Express for takeout). We got home, I fed the cats and then we started eating. The plan was I would snarf down my rice, bbq beef and potstickers and then start taking photos to upload to my Etsy shop. Well, a few bites into dinner I noticed Jasper hadn't eaten and yet he really was hungry....he was begging for food but not eating any of it. I picked him up and took a closer look at him and then I noticed one side of his face was freaking huge. Dinner went promptly in the fridge, Jasper was put in his cat carrier and out we went in search of an after-hours animal hospital.

We found one (charging a freaking $75 just to be looked at...not treated, just LOOKED AT!) It took nearly 2 hours from start to finish but Jasper ended up getting anesthesia so the vet could take a look inside his mouth without being chewed to shreds. It apparently looks like an infection (kind of like a sore throat) all over his mouth, but the vet has no idea what could have caused it. He was sent home with a vial of antibiotics and some pain medication and word that if the inflammation doesn't start going down by sometime during this week that another visit will be necessary to my regular vet. All I can say is that after the final bill was presented, I seriously hope the antibiotics do their job....that was EXPENSIVE! If anything I know the pain pills are working because he came home and practically dove into his food dish. So twice a day until the meds are gone Jasper gets rolled up into a towel and force-fed. The one thing I want to know is who comes up with feline medication flavors? Seriously, the antibiotics smell like bananas, which is probably nice for the vet tech who has to mix it up but he's a cat...make it salmon or tuna flavor at least!

Enough on that subject. Sunday's "spare time" was spent first addressing Christmas cards to everyone in my Trixie Belden fan club (yes we're all dweebs who send one another cards every year!) Afterwards I went to snap pics of my bracelets to post but the battery died after one shot. Since I currently have no idea where my spare battery is in all of the chaos that currently calls itself "Shawna's room", I plugged it into the charger and changed the lock on the front door (we're having landlord issues)before trying to organize my room. I found several things, organized my Christmas shopping (which may end up coming here to the office to stay safe while I move) and then it was off to Jason's for dinner and some Smallville. Home again by 8:30, more cleaning, laundry and then off to bed to start another week. Sad to say but I ended up eating MSG last night so it wasn't the best of sleep and I have a headache this morning (why people still insist on using it without warning still peeves me off...big shout out to McDonalds to freaking DROP MSG FROM THE MENU IF YOU EVER WANT ME TO EAT THERE AGAIN!)

And now Monday morning. I look out myu window here at work and its a lovely gray day outside...its trying to snow (which I hope will wait for 2 more weeks until after my move!) but its more of a rain with flakes interspersed. Given how much of the country is currently slammed with snow, I know its unfair for me to hope the weather will cooperate a bit longer, but I am seriously hoping, fingers and toes crossed, starlight starbright and the whole nine yards!

So where does that leave me? With a lot of packing to do, homework not touched (though in all honesty its not due until next week), and a sick cat. I feel up to my eyeballs in stress right now and, while I am happy that my shopping is done, I still have that assembly to work on....but that will wait until Friday (no school!)

Honestly, I am doing good....I just need a weekend to recover from my weekend.


Unknown said...

I know what you mean about the weekend being over in no time. I wonder what the Christmas holiday will be like! Rest or no rest? I hope your kitty will be better. My cat has no teeth, but he will eat anything. But he does get his canned cat food.

Teachinfourth said...

Just know that you were able to have a weekend to enjoy...and there'll be another one before long.

Hope it all slows down a bit for you...

mywest said...

Hope all is well...with my allergies you know hoping you cat gets better is pushing the envelope. Relax and enjoy and just get the move behind you.... LOVE, DAD

♥Miya said...

Aw, poor little guy...I'm glad he's doing better!

By the way, it was so awesome of you to immidiately whisk him off to the vet even with the daunting thought of the cost of a checkup and medication! I know a gal a few houses down whose poor little puppy (that she had just gotten) had something similar. He got an awful infection after being bitten by the dog of one of her visiting friends, and his poor face was so swollen that he couldn't eat.

She wrote on her blog for two freaking weeks debating on whether or not she would take him in because "she'd only had him for a month" and that she was hoping to buy the new World of Warcraft expansion for herself and didn't want to blow all of her money on the vet. I seriously wanted to slap her and tell her that if she couldn't accept the financial needs of a pet along with all the other needs, then she shouldn't have gotten one! It drives me crazy when people want pets as a replacement for toys and accessories rather than treating them like an extension of the family!!!