Tuesday, June 12, 2007

And I go public....

As public as I can get with the connections I have on myspace anyway....I just wrote a blog there giving out my address here....eeps! Well, there isn't much of an edit button on my brain so I guess I will plod along, business as usual and see where this takes me.


♥Miya said...

Dude, if your address is on myspace, DELETE IT! I'm so serious. It's so easy to stalk someone. Like, just for fun, I found the guy who sold me my old laptop, then traced it back to the original gals who owned and found out exactly where they lived, what time that week they were having a party, all of it. Seriously. Don't put your address on there!

♥Miya said...

Ohhhhhh you meant your blogggg addresssss...thank God. For a second there I was like, "OMFG did my sister fall and break her brain?" Tehehe.

shoezimm said...

Silly girl...there is no way in the world I would put my actual address out there...I am freaking enough about putting the blog address on myspace, though I really don't expect much to happen. Funny, but I googled myself yesterday and nothing...type in shoezimm and wham! there I am. Funny (and scary) to think that you can be found so easily...