Here I was, sitting in my Illustrator class, feeling like 7 shades of idiot because i was just not getting what was going on. Pat (instructor) starts walking around the room checking out how we are doing, making comments, and then he gets to me....
Inst: So how's it coming
Me: (wailing) I don't get any of this!
Inst: What don't you get?
Me: Everything...I did the assignments but I have no idea how I got the results I did and I am not even sure this is what you are looking for.
Inst: (looking at work) You did this looks good. But have you tried this? (reaches for graphic pen and tries something...gets wrong result) What?
Me: (sighing) The program doesn't always work last instructor told me to uninstall and then reinstall everything but I haven't done it yet.
Inst: THAT shouldn't have happened! Why isn't this working?
I admit I was feeling a lot better that it wasn't just me having issues with this @)(#&_@#$)* program
Inst: Well let me show you a couple of things here...move this there and hit this command key (etc etc as he gives me a mini tutorial on the joys of live trace)
I admit I felt a lot lot LOT better as several other students crowded around to see what he was showing me because, as they admitted, they didn't understand this either and hadn't wanted to say anything.
Why is it that we clam up when we should really just raise our hands, open our mouths and admit, "look, I really don't get this". No, we'd rather sit there in class, feeling stupid and about to burst into tears because EVERYONE else must be smarter than you because they aren't asking dumb questions (yes, I felt like crying in class last night...must be something hormonal....) My admitting I didn't understand, and my instructor coming over to help me opened up Illustrator to me. Now I admit, I still have no idea what most of those icons mean or would do if I were to start playing with them, but I have a much better idea of how to manipulate the small corner of Illustrator that I was playing in last night. I am in school to learn, I am paying for the privilege of what these instructors can impart to me, the classes are deliberately kept small for more one-on-one collaboration. I am sooooooo going to open my mouth from now on.
Sitting in class I managed a small piece of brilliance last night though. Our challenge was to create a logo using our name or initials. Well I pulled together some lame little thing on my laptop and was fussing around when the instructor mentioned the most amazing logo he'd seen was a gal took an oval with a line in it and, using a couple of breaks in the oval, managed to make the initials ANJ appear. Well I wasn't going to sit still for that....I opened up another document, started fiddling around, and came up with a logo that I plan to use for Etsy....I was debating on my shop name and I think this will work great. Since its not in a compatable format to include here let me just say its a turquoise rectangle with an old-fashioned 52 at one end in white. Brilliant. My instructor looked at it for a moment, the wheels turning in his mind and then he started between laughs he coughed out "you HAVE to save THAT!"
Note: for those of you who are not familiar with my initials....they are S.Z..... 5.2....get it???? So yup, I do believe my Etsy shop will be called "fifty-two".....