Have I mentioned my fascination with trains? Several of you may be aware of it, but I love watching trains. While others are sitting in their cars, fuming at the wait as the long line of train cars (literally) crawl past I sit there happily wondering where these cars have been...how long they've been doing it....whose freaking graffiti tagged THAT one and was it supposed to be legible? Really, trains send me. I have no idea what it is that thrills and interests me so, but Sunday, on my way home from Jason's I stopped at a railyard and snapped like a hundred pics. Sadly, as you've probably noted from the above shot, it was raining and I didn't notice rainwater beads on my lens in time. The above (sadly) will have to be doctored (if possible) because it was one of my favorites from the shoot.
This one and the one below are actually posted on Deviantart, but I loved how they turned out. All-in-all I ended up with several nice shots, and a few more that will look good once I crop them down a little. I learned a lot with some of these shots...I ended up with some interesting ones of springs, wheels, hitches and brakes that I need to go through before posting, and had a great time "sneaking" into the yard, being rebellious enough to ignore the "Keep Out" signs posted by Canadian Pacific Railways and crossing tracks (looking both ways first!) in order to get these shots.
Did I mention that I love trains?
Freaking spammer. Don't click the link, it's a virus. Another blogger literally just told me about this guy when I saw his comment on your page.
Add the feature where the person has to type the words they see...it has helped my blog with creeps who do this...
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